Technology has changed us a lot. Sometimes that change came as a good one, others not so much, but eventually, it all manages to balance itself. With the technology available it is all up to you on how you want to use it.
When it comes to homes and technology there are several things, we got that made us relieve those futuristic movies we loved so much. we got our smart homes and smart appliances and we got smart security. Those are the things we currently value and love the most. Smart homes have changed so many lives and eased so many tasks you wouldn’t believe. When coupled together, with homes and technology, you get a bunch of goodies that are ground-breaking.
From the talking and grocery list-making refrigerators to smart surveillance systems that detect a fly that has entered a certain room. And all of that on a tablet or a smartphone with a notification system towards you or the nearest police station, depending on the situation has occurred. With this kind of tech you don’t have to worry about leaving doors or windows open, you don’t have to worry about leaving your iron or oven on, you don’t have to worry about little things and travel back to check them, you can do it over the camera system in the house and eventually, you don’t have to worry about locks or whether you locked or unlocked your home.

As you saw from the title today, we are talking about those smart and keyless entry systems in your home and we decided to fill you in on how they operate. If you like what you read and if you decide you want one for yourself make sure to get yourself a keypad door knob as well.
The first step before going all hi-tech and app-controlled is to try a keyless door knob system for your home. It will help you carry fewer keys around and have your entering and exiting your home much easier and worry-free.
As far as the locks itself you can expect several different kinds of keyless door knobs, from the ones that recognize faces and fingerprints to those that operate on a fob. The most we see today being installed are the combo ones that have a keypad and a physical lock that works just like a regular one – rotates in or out depending on whether are you locking or unlocking. There is a mechanism inside that recognizes a pin code, face or fingerprint and makes a motion to lock or unlock the door just like a physical key would with your hand turning it.

The operation of the mechanism is nothing new just the part where your finger, fob, and face are scanned or pin inserted is operated electronically with signals being sent in the circuitry to do a particular operation.
The tech is advancing more and more and soon we will have even smarter doors and locking mechanisms. Imagine in a few years we get rid of the traditional locking mechanism and go for a magnetic system that handles the door staying shut or being open. It would be amazing and you wouldn’t even have to touch the door, all you have to do is walk away far enough for them to close and approach nearly enough to open.